Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Isn’t technology a sly and tricky thing? I must admit I have been sucked in. After I get my husband off to work and my baby down for a nap the first thing I did was “LOG ON”. I could spend hours, even an entire day surfing the internet, and as a result my spirituality, home, and family suffered. I didn’t take time to pray I didn’t take time to read my scriptures; I didn’t take time to play with my child or tidy up the house. At the end of the day I never found any satisfaction. There is a family in my life that I have watched and admired for years. If there was someone to build my life after it would be them. I often ask myself what they would do in a situation. I have noticed 3 foundational things in their lives that I believe create their happiness and I would say they are: Putting the Gospel first, Staying Fit and Healthy, and Getting out of Debt. The debt thing is a little out of control right now as we currently own 2 homes but we are trying to figure things out and hopefully get back on the right path. As far as the being healthy thing, you will be able to read about that on Wednesdays. But Thursdays is where you will hear about my testimony and spiritual growth. I have decided to set aside time each morning to read my scriptures and write in my journal. Before I even look at my computer I must have touched my scriptures. When I can I will catch Jeremy before work and include him in the spiritual nourishment. Hopefully as we begin to recognize the sweet spirit returning to our home it will drive us to build upon it even more. Someday I would love to have a home where the Spirit overwhelms you as you walk in the door. Until then we will take it one day at a time.

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